Get in touch with the ultimate modularity
Christophe Dorschner
Product Line Marketing Manager at Socomec, introduces you to the new Socomec High-Power UPS.
Why modular?
C.D: Today’s critical infrastructures need to be flexible, designed for rapid deployment or upgrades but also – both in terms of the physical product and extended support services – all whilst maintaining the system’s optimum availability. With modular UPS, it’s possible to solve a number of problems in parallel – a key concern for every operator responsible for a critical application.
How are you solving your customers' challenges?
C.D: We have worked hard to understand the needs and concerns of our customers. We have designed a new UPS, the MODULYS XL, that meets the specific requirements of the high-power inverter market and creates a solution that offers the advantages associated with true modularity.
C.D: MODULYS XL is a modular UPS based on 200 kW bricks for deployment within UPS units from 200 to 1200 kW – that can also be installed in parallel up to 4 units. We have created simplified connections to deliver a higher power MODULYS. This UPS has been designed with power modules of the right size for large UPS systems, while remaining as easy to handle as a smaller module.
Which kind of protection does MODULYS XL offer?
C.D: MODULYS XL is part of the ULTIMATE range. Socomec’s Ultimate UPS solutions deliver fault tolerant power – without compromise. With fully redundant architecture for maximum availability, MTTR is minimised and maintenance is risk free.
Discover the ULTIMATE UPS range
The main advantages of the MODULYS XL

3 standard bricks
to design your very own system
Safe and easy deployment
say goodbye to installation errors
5 minutes hot-scale
200 kW x1 person pluggable power modules
Risk-free maintenance
eliminate life cycle management risk
Let's make something awesome together!
Our team will be happy to lead you into the future of modular UPS solutions.
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